



消费电子产品的紧凑化设计对产品尺寸精度的要求越来越高,宽幅越来越窄,使得单个元件材料成本压力相对减小,MIPG(2K LSR)技术运用于塑料及金属壳体密封逐渐取代传统的FIPG 和CIPG,通过单次注胶成型实现多元化功能的设计构想。






ELASTOSIL LR 3065是低摩擦系数等级材料的代表性工业级液体硅胶,其成型部件的显著特点是一经制成表面便具有低摩擦性。与标准液体有机硅相比,此产品的摩擦系数低50-70%,且其低摩擦效果并非由硅油从橡胶表面渗出而实现。ELASTOSIL LR 3065的成型部件无硅油渗出,无须手感油处理,同时可保持长期持久的表面爽滑,具有优异的触感,兼具防污防尘,便于清洁,且具有优异的机械性能,是兼具强韧物性以及低摩擦系数的理想选择。





LUMISIL LR 7601是瓦克专为光学产品开发的高透明液体硅胶,其透光率高达96%, 远超PC的87%和PMMA的92%,可在很大程度上减少光学镜片在使用过程中的因透明度引起的色彩失真度、反光性和清晰度对视觉感受的影响。此产品的折光率低,色散也低于PC和PMMA,可获得高清晰度的成效效果,不容易引起视觉疲劳。

同时,由于硅胶对氧气/臭氧的耐抗性极高,长期暴露在可见光和紫外线辐射环境中也不会受到影响,不会向PC和PMMA那样遇热或受光源/紫外线辐射变黄,因此用LUMISIL LR 7601即使长期承受负荷,也能保持水晶般的透明。此外,其固化成型过程中基本无残留应力发生,不易引起镜片变形与破裂,使用更为安全。由此,LUMISIL LR 7601是消费电子产品和可穿戴设备呈现出色光学效果的理想选择。







The products can be used at temperatures down to -55 °C and even above +150 °C. The outstanding optical transparency extends over a broad range of the visible spectrum and exceeds the transparency of polycarbonate or polymethylmethacrylate. The refractive index nD₂₅ is in the range of 1.41. LUMISIL® LR 7601/70 A/B is optimized for state-of-the-art requirements of optical parts. In contrast to standard ELASTOSIL® LR grades, the hardness in the product name of LUMISIL® LR 7601/70 A/B reflects the hardness of vulcanized articles in the non-post cured state. Depending on the injection molding parameters, the geometry of the final parts and the post curing conditions, hardness increases after post curing in the range of 5 to 8 points. In addition LUMISIL® LR 7601/70 A/B is listed in various UL (Underwriter Laboratory) standards including f1 rating, i. e. suitable for outdoor use with respect to exposure to Ultraviolet Light, Water Exposure and Immersion in accordance with UL 746C.

LUMISIL®LR 7601/70 A/B meets selected test requirements of ISO 10993 and United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Class VI. It is designed for medical applications in compliance with the WACKER SILICONES HEALTH CARE POLICY.

 Specific features of LUMISIL® LR 7601/70 A/B

  • Food-contact
  • Highly transparent
  • Low volatile
  • Reduced volatile content

Secondary Optics

Highly transparent LUMISIL® liquid silicone rubber is used in lighting technology to produce optical lenses, sensors and optical coupling elements. LUMISIL® products for secondary optics can be processed economically by injection molding and so support low-cost mass-production of complex optical components.


Highly transparent, room-temperature-curing ELASTOSIL® RTV silicone rubber compounds serve as optical encapsulants for, e.g., LED strips while special ELASTOSIL® grades are used for SOG (silicone on glass) applications.

Advantages of LUMISIL® in Secondary Optics:

  • Highly heat resistant - up to 180 °C
  • Great low-temperature flexibility - down to -50 °C
  • Excellent weathering and UV resistance
  • Very good chemical resistance
  • Outstanding dielectric properties that remain largely constant over a wide range of temperatures and frequencies
  • Water-repellent surfaces and low moisture absorption
  • Low modulus of elasticity
  • High chemical purity

Advantages of Injection Molding

  • Greater productivity - highly automated, no assembly required
  • Efficient process - short cycle times, no secondary finishing of parts, highly reliable
  • Maximum quality - less risk of damage during production
  • Simplified logistics - one article drawing, one processor, one quality control, one article number




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