


在K 2013上,许多公司都是首次参展,Styron就是其中一个。在本届展会上,Styron公司展出了与汽车配件制造商Autocomponent公司共同合作两年后第一个实现商品化的VELVEX 5250增强弹性体/PP配混料。

VELVEX 5250增强弹性体/PP配混料

VELVEX™ reinforced elastomers, for unpainted interior trimapplications, offer better scratch-and-mar resistance and a uniform low glossthan established materials such as most talc-filled PP,PA/ABS or ABS products.

VELVEX™ reinforced elastomersoffer an opportunity for premium surfaces, supporting the impression of luxuryin vehicle interiors. Until now, the industry has had to choose betweenunpainted materials that could not offer satisfying scratch resistance oruniform gloss, and painted parts which demonstrate a good performance butincreased cost because of the need for an additional painting step. VELVEX™ reinforcedelastomers close the gap between the need to balance both technical andaesthetic performance - and at affordable costs.

据悉,VELVEX 5250增强弹性体被应用于GAZelle Next的仪表盘组件和LadaPriora Face的升降平台塑料件的制造,所生产出来的内饰产品具有较好柔软触感,耐刮擦,光泽度低,而且满足了使用经济原材料的需求,使车辆的升降平台从中受益。

  • Styron公司高级副总裁兼塑料业务总裁Martin Pugh说:“汽车行业的发展趋势是降低密度,减轻重量,同时保持性能不变。我们正在努力向外饰和半结构件行业进军,我相信,整体来看,业务增长速度将快于汽车行业。”

【TPO】VELVEX 5250增强弹性体/PP配混料

VELVEX™ reinforced elastomer

Styron Automotive resins offer outstanding durability andhigh-end aesthetics. In addition, the team will present the firstcommercialization of VELVEX™ 5250 following a two-year collaboration withAutocomponent, a leading manufacturer and exporter of automotive components. Asa result of this collaboration, GAZelle Next platform benefits from interiorparts with improved soft touch, scratch resistance, low gloss while meeting theneed for cost-efficiency in raw material usage along with a positive evaluationof VELVEX™ 5250 on the Priora Face lifting platform.



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